Malware Threats

Tragic Senior Love Scams, Terrifying System Weaknesses, Chain Management Perils, Web Application Security vs XSS, and The Data Breach Nightmare Scenario - CISO Intelligence Horror Stories for Friday 13th December 2024!

Tragic Senior Love Scams, Terrifying System Weaknesses, Chain Management Perils, Web Application Security vs XSS, and The Data Breach Nightmare Scenario - CISO Intelligence Horror Stories for Friday 13th December 2024!

The sad tale of thriving senior love scams, avoiding the hazards of supply chain management, system weaknesses that would be funny if they weren't so serious, web application security vs XSS: the duel, and the data breach nightmare comes alive. This is CISO Intelligence, the horror edition!
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Assessing AI Liabilities, The Return of the SmokeLoader Bandit, Not So Happy Talk, Management Pitfalls, and You're Never Too Big for an Upgrade - It's All in CISO Intelligence for Thursday 12th December 2024!

Assessing AI Liabilities, The Return of the SmokeLoader Bandit, Not So Happy Talk, Management Pitfalls, and You're Never Too Big for an Upgrade - It's All in CISO Intelligence for Thursday 12th December 2024!

Today’s topics: We know the pros of AI, but what about the cons? SmokeLoader rises like a phoenix, when chit-chat lets in undesirables, fighting the perils of the phishing pool, and patches: Zabbix is depending on you - CISO Intelligence has its finger on the cyber pulse!
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We're Walking in the Cloud, The Phish in Your Email, Circling the Cyber Wagons, MS Fixing Its 'Oops', and the Russian Pimpernel - It's All in CISO Intelligence for Wednesday 11th December 2024!

We're Walking in the Cloud, The Phish in Your Email, Circling the Cyber Wagons, MS Fixing Its 'Oops', and the Russian Pimpernel - It's All in CISO Intelligence for Wednesday 11th December 2024!

Today we look at securing the growing cloud workspace, avoiding being prey in the phishing pool, keeping the Pen Test game plans up to date, Microsoft messing up and making a swift recovery, and blocking the elusive Russian cyber thief. CISO Intelligence deep dives on Wednesday 11th December 2024!
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The Human Touch, Google Play Distributing SpyWare, The American 'Sleeper,' Looking for Human Weak Spots, and What Will Tomorrow Look Like:  We all need CISO Intelligence for Tuesday 10th December 2024!

The Human Touch, Google Play Distributing SpyWare, The American 'Sleeper,' Looking for Human Weak Spots, and What Will Tomorrow Look Like: We all need CISO Intelligence for Tuesday 10th December 2024!

We look at Phools with Foolproof Plans, how borrowing can easily become a breach, and the unwanted surprises behind warranted spyware. In addition we explore Human Hacking (with a side of hustle), protecting tomorrow's world, and how airport security can be bypassed with an old favourite.
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What's in CISO Intelligence for Monday 9th December?  Windows Patch Dependency, The Perils of Digital Transformation, A Lack of Bridges, Password Policies, and Gambling with Email Security - Buckle Up!

What's in CISO Intelligence for Monday 9th December? Windows Patch Dependency, The Perils of Digital Transformation, A Lack of Bridges, Password Policies, and Gambling with Email Security - Buckle Up!

Today, we are Dances with Patchables. looking under the Cyber Hood, and discovering we have Tunnel Vision. Meanwhile, Passwords Attack (you knew they would), we jive with the Cybersecurity Boogeyman, and Iran limbo dances under the bar between espionage and warfare.
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